How to category: General

Delete Liferay Web Content Articles Based on Structure ID with Groovy Script

If you need to delete all web content articles associated with a specific structure ID in Liferay using Groovy script, follow this guide. Deleting Web Content Articles by Structure ID Groovy script To delete articles associated with a specific structure ID, use the following Groovy script: Steps to Execute Best Practices and Warnings Also Read: […]

Count Web Content Articles by Structure ID in Liferay using Groovy script

In Liferay, you might need to count the number of web content articles associated with a specific structure ID. This guide provides a step-by-step method using a Groovy script. Counting Web Content Articles by Structure ID The following Groovy script counts the number of web content articles associated with a specific structure ID: Steps to […]

How to Fetch a Category Name Using Category ID in Liferay with FreeMarker

In Liferay, categories help organize and classify content, making it easier to manage and retrieve. Often, you might have a category ID and want to fetch its name dynamically in a FreeMarker template. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to achieve this using Liferay’s service locator. Understanding the Scenario Let’s say you […]

How to Add Language Key in Liferay: JSP, Fragments, and Templates

In Liferay, you can add language key in liferay in JSP, Fragments, and Templates (e.g., FreeMarker) to make your application multilingual. Here’s how to do it in each case: Adding Language Key in JSP In a JSP file, you can use Liferay’s <liferay-ui:message> tag to retrieve and display the language key value. First you will […]

How to deploy client extension in Liferay?

To deploy client extension in liferay follow these steps: This will deploy the theme-css client extension in Liferay. Make sure to replace theme-css with the name of your client extension if it’s different. Read More: Mastering Front-End Client Extensions in Liferay DXP

How can I embed a widget in another widget template in Liferay?

You can embed a widget in another widget template in Liferay by using the liferay_portlet[“runtime”] macro. Here’s an example of how you can do this: In the above code, replace <%=innerWidgetPortletId%> with the actual portlet ID of the inner widget. For example, if you’re embedding the Sort Portlet, your code would look like this: This will embed the Sort […]

How to install liferay

Sure, here’s a simplified method on how to install Liferay Tomcat bundle: Also Read: Setting Up Your First Liferay Workspace: A Beginner’s Guide

What is the default jQuery version used in Liferay?

The default jQuery version used in Liferay DXP can vary depending on the specific version and any applied fix packs. Here are some details: Also Read: How to enable Jquery in Liferay Type jQuery.fn.jquery or $.fn.jquery in the browser console to display the current jQuery version in Liferay.

Thanks !

Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !