Revolutionize Data Collection with Liferay Form Fragments: A Comprehensive Guide

Liferay Version: 7.4

Liferay Form Fragments have emerged as a game-changer in the realm of web applications, particularly in the latest Liferay DXP/Portal 7.4 version. These fragments, crafted from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allow developers to easily construct dynamic elements for webpages, offering unprecedented customization and flexibility in form building. Data collection is a pivotal aspect of most web applications, serving a myriad of purposes from user assistance to lead generation and sales conversion. The challenge, however, lies in employing a uniform form structure across various pages without the flexibility to tailor each form according to the specific data collection objectives of each page.

Liferay’s innovative form building capabilities transcend mere data collection, enabling the creation of visually captivating experiences that users are more inclined to interact with. This article delves into the intricacies of Liferay Form Fragments with objects, elucidating how this feature not only simplifies data collection efforts but also enhances the overall user experience.

Also Read: List of Fragment Specific Tags


  • Liferay DXP/Portal 7.4
  • Basic understanding of Liferay and its objects (CRUD operations)

Creating Liferay Form Fragments with Objects:

Step 1: Creating Form Fragments

  1. Navigate to Design > Fragments in the Site Menu to commence the creation of form fragments.
  2. Organize your form fragments by creating a Fragment Set, then add a Form Fragment type.
  3. Name your fragment and select the desired field types to include.
  4. Customize your fragment with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the fragment editor.

Step 2: Creating Form

  1. On a content page or page template, Drag and Drop the Form Container fragment and map it to a previously created object that was created for the form fragment.
  2. Customize the form by removing non-mandatory fields and adding your custom form fragments.
  3. Map form fragments to the Object fields, change labels and placeholders as necessary before publishing.

Step 3: Visualizing the Output

Upon submission, the form details are stored in the Liferay Object, demonstrating the seamless data collection process facilitated by Liferay Form Fragments.


Liferay Form Fragments in version 7.4 opens up a world of possibilities for web application developers, offering the tools needed to create customizable and engaging forms. For those seeking further assistance, companies like Softserv Solutions provide expert Liferay development services, ready to aid in enhancing web applications and optimizing ROI.

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Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !